Abilian commits to cyber security by signing the Cyber Charter
Abilian, a leading provider of open and sovereign information management and cloud solutions, has signed the CyberCharter, an initiative supported by CyberMalveillance as part of Cybermoi/s, European Cyber Security Month. This initiative is part of Abilian's mission to promote a secure and reliable digital environment over the long term.
A dual commitment: human and technical
Abilian is convinced that cybersecurity is everyone's business, from decision-makers and employees to partners and customers. In this respect, the company is committed to respecting the eight main points of the CyberCharter, which cover both human and technical aspects.
8 Commitments of the CyberCharter
- Strategic priority: Abilian will make cybersecurity a strategic priority, adapted to the specific risks of its business sector.
- Cybersecurity referent: A cybersecurity referent will be appointed to lead and manage these issues internally.
- Awareness-raising: The company will undertake awareness-raising programmes for all its employees.
- Training: Training on best practices and reflexes in cybersecurity will be provided.
- Anticipation: Back-up plans will be put in place and tested regularly to anticipate cyber-attacks.
- Risk assessment: A regular assessment of the level of exposure to cyber risks will be carried out.
- Competent providers: Abilian will use competent cyber security providers to ensure a high level of security.
- Promotion: The company will promote cyber security issues to all its stakeholders.