[R&D] A series of articles on the Cython+ language

Par: Abilian 26/04/2022 R&D Tous les articles

Abilian is a partner in the Cython+. This project aims to improve the performance of the Python language in the field of multi-core concurrent programming.

As part of the development of Cython+, Abilian has tested various aspects of the language, such as performance and programming paradigms. aspects of the language, such as performance and the programming programming paradigms. The Cython+ development environment Cython+ development environment is now sufficiently mature to be tested on concrete cases.

As part of this work, Abilian has produced a series of articles articles / tutorials detailing practical cases: installation, 'hello world', basic concepts of the language, code optimisation using the actors' model and real-life use cases. These articles (in English) are accompanied by the source code of the examples.

External links

Published articles: https://lab.abilian.com/cython+/

About Cython+:

logo Cython+ Cython+ is a research project to develop a Cython extension supporting efficient multi-core programming.

The project has been supported jointly by the French State, under the Future Investment Programme, and the Regions.

Programme d'investissements d'avenir](./investirlavenir.png)

This project has been selected to receive funding from the Competitiveness Structuring Projects - N⁰ 1 Regions. It is supported by CapDigital and the Île-de-France Region.

BPI](./bpi.png) Cap Digital](./cap-digital.jpeg) Région Île de France