The 4 main reasons to use a social collaboration tool, according to PAC

Par: Abilian 20/11/2013 Collaboration Tous les articles

According to a recent study by Pierre Audoin Consultants ("Social Collaboration in 2013 in Germany, France and the UK"), four main reasons are given - by more than 50% of the decision-makers questioned - to justify the use of social collaboration tools by organisations:

  • Innovate faster: by better exploiting their organisation's potential for innovation; by shortening the time it takes to solve problems; by promoting the involvement and commitment of their employees.

  • Increase productivity**: by enabling documents and content to be made available, shared and accessed, and by making it easier to identify experts and knowledge within the organisation.

  • Communicate better**, both internally and externally: by improving relations with customers, promoting interdisciplinary communication, and improving collaboration between teams spread across different sites.

  • Finally, manage more effectively, by coordinating tasks and activities within the organisation, and by improving resource/project management.

[Abilian's solutions address each of these four areas.

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